The ADHD Simulation

When we begin to notice the illusory nature of the "ADHD experience" (our mind is making up) we begin to spend less time in the "ADHD house of horrors" and more time in presence. But our brain tries to convince us that the experience the mind is making up is real because it connects "thought" to "feelings" which affects our physiology. The more we let go and drop the "experience" the mind is making up (in this moment) the less time we get attached to it. The less we get attached to it the less we suffer. The less we suffer the more we see that every ADHD'er is one thought away from insight, well-being, and a nicer life. In this moment (as you read this). And the next. 


Finding Joy During Difficult Times with Matt Roberts


Harnessing ADHD Superpowers Naturally with Dean Hall